Our team is going to analyze an Innovation Project about health, as it is an important aspect in our lives and many people aren’t aware of this issue. Moreover, it is important to raise awareness since the students are children, so in this way, they will lead a life full of health.
The centre that we have selected is CEIP Real Blanc from Cocentaina. We have decided to select this centre because it is a public school from the Valencian Community which is implementing an interesting project of innovation with all the students of the school. The school received an award for this great project.
The main objective of the innovation programme called: “Let’s get conscious” is to let the students know the importance that their health has, giving the students the opportunity to implement their knowledge about how and when they could improve their health. Furthermore, teachers are emphasizing all the fields that includes the term “health”.
It also has the objective to promote the concept of “Health Promoting School” to ensure that the student adopts a lifestyle as healthy as possible from an early age, so that you can develop it throughout their life.
The reality that is being improved with this project, is to hold that each student is prepared to adopt a lifestyle as healthy as possible and provide them with a positive health behavior.
There are many agents who have taken part. We can classify these in the following groups:
TEACHERS: includes the teaching, technical and administrative staff of the center. They participate in an intensive way, because they are the ones who organize, pose, apply, check and evaluate all the activities carried out to implement the innovation project.
STUDENTS: the students constitute the main body of the project, since they are the ones that
develop the activities and fulfill their objectives.
EXTRAESCOLAR STAFF: they are members that expand the range of innovative proposals. An example of this are the professionals who come to the center to give talks.
GOVERNING BODIES: principal, head of studies and school board. They are in charge of
supervise and approve all activities carried out at the school.
The project integrates a wide variety of activities whose objective is for students to understand and apply the various aspects of health. The most notable are: talks, files, drawings, workshops, surveys, murals, championships, etc.
Different activities related to a health-related field are carried out every month:
A variety of values are worked throughout the project:
In October, the month of food and nutrition, the values of responsibility, tolerance, respect, family value, sociability and companionship are developed. Responsibility is worked by assigning each student a task. Tolerance and respect, with activities such as "gastronomic meetings" where typical dishes from different cultures were tasted. The value of the family, by inviting families to participate together with the students in the programmed activities. And the sociability and companionship, were worked by carrying out the activities not adhering to the distribution by classes and favoring the interaction of students of different courses and educational stages.
In November, a month of postural hygiene, values such as responsibility were worked on. The first when assigning simple tasks to students such as watching if their classmates have a good body posture in class.
In December, the month of oral health, work was carried out, especially the value of responsibility when programming activities in which children received notions to improve their oral health.
In January, the month of coexistence and conflict resolution, values such as solidarity, coexistence, peace, dialogue, assertiveness were developed. Solidarity was worked through "the solidarity race". Coexistence, through activities such as “the film workshop” in which students from different courses were able to interact. The peace was treated in activities proposed during "the week of peace", such as "the garden of peace", in which each student was nailing a flower made in class with a word related to the subject. And assertiveness and dialogue in tutoring sessions where conflict resolution activities were carried out.
In February, a month of relaxation, values such as assertiveness, tolerance or family importance were discussed. Assertiveness was treated with activities in which students learned to say “no” and tolerance when knowing and assuming their own limits and those of others, thus, self-esteem was also developed. The importance was treated in talks like "aggressiveness in families."
In March, the month of first aid and accident prevention, especially the value of responsibility has been developed, as they are given safety advice and basic notions of first aid.
In April, the month of physical exercise and health, values such as sportsmanship or companionship were discussed, as numerous sports activities were organized and the participation and interrelation of all students was encouraged.
Finally, in May, the month of solar prevention, the value of responsibility was discussed by raising awareness among students of the dangers of the sun and how to prevent them.
This project can have a very positive influence on the community since children are the future of it and the project provides, generates and enhances good habits, values and customs individually as well as socially. Furthermore, it takes part in all the areas of students' lives not only in their family environment because they will be able to be an example of the appropriate conduct in front of the others .
Among all the activities of the project, we consider that the most appropriate are the hygiene workshops, since it is put into practice what you really want to install in students: that they become aware of the importance that health has for their life. In addition, we believe that all activities related to manual work also have great weight to achieve the proposed objectives, since in addition to children enjoying learning, cooperative work between them and socialization of the class group is allowed.
We also think that all activities related to manual work also have a great weight to achieve the proposed objectives, since in addition to children enjoying learning, cooperative work between them is also favored and a socialization of the class group is allowed.
We believe that from a vertical perspective, this project promotes the student graduated organization. The graduated group is the most widespread in our days since we find it in the vast majority of schools, this group divides students by age levels and encourages a collective promotion after having exceeded the objectives of each level, leaving aside cooperative work.
After taking all the points above into consideration, we think that this innovation project is necessary, as it is useful, to add to every school as it sets out the importance of health in students and their everyday life and helps them see this as well as help them succeed it.
Hope you like it!
Holly-Elisabeth Reynolds
Marina Santos Albeza
Ana Vilaplana Brotons
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