In this class we have learnt the most important aspects that the educational projects ant the annual general programe contains. We have understood which are the differences between this documents and which aspects do they govern inside the centre.
Before this class I used to think that both documents were the same. Furthermore I wasn't aware about the fact that the Educational Programe it is approved after hearing the suggestions that the school council makes.
In this lesson I have learnt that the Educational Project includes the organization of the centres, as well as the participation that each member of the school community will have. That's why aspects like the dining service, the health care that students with specific needs, the language plan of the centreor the teacher's action plan should be included .
On the other hand, the Annual General Programe is the document governing the school’s planning, management and performance. Because of that, facts like the regulations of all the different governing bodies, the updates of the Community Building Plan or the pedagogical criteria for making the students timetable must be included.
The most difficult thing for me was to learn to distinguish every single aspect that each document includes and know how they must be regulated in one or the other.
I think that as both documents are very important all the centres need to have in their own webpages this information because it’s very important that families with children in the school are informed about the essential issues of the education of their children. My opinion matches with
Goodlad (1994) who says that elaborating the Educational Programe is a serious responsibility that it implies having a clear awareness of their commitment and the consequences of their actions. Furthermore the document needs to ensure the personal development of future generations that is not a matter of second level and needs to ensure the participation of families and their knowledge about it.
Goodlad, J. I. (1994). Educational renewal: Better teachers, better schools. Jossey-Bass Inc.
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