In this class we have understand better which duties and rights do each member of the educational community has due to the LOMCE. Moreover, we have understand the implications and consequences that breaking the law can have, directly affecting the quality of the education in the school centre.

I didn't know before this class that LOMCE was a law that supplemented and changed those aspects of the LOE that needed to be renewed or made some changes. I have learned very interesting things by starting to do the first practice, especially some of the advantages that the LOMCE has over the LOE. For example the following article:

Article 6 

- When they speak about the curriculum, they give the responsibility to choose the contents and the different pedagogical issues to the educational administrations, giving a bit of autonomy to each school. 

think it’s very important to give certain autonomy to each centre, because there are differences between the different areas of Spain and the different centres. So it is quite important to let the centres choose some specific issues.

What I found most difficult was to find the disadvantages of the LOMCE. This shows that LOMCE is a law based on the previous one, that has improved the worst aspects of the other one.

I have decided to make a keyword cloud with the most relevant contents of the practice we have done.

I have also done a research about how students get affected every time that an educational law is replaced. I think that education should be above any political party, avoiding that every time that the president of the government is changed, the education also changes. My opinion matches Jover et al. (2017) they explain in an article that in Spain since the Constitution was ratified in 1978, eight laws have been passed regulating the education system in non-university stages, thereby subjecting education to continual upheaval. The analysis shows the submission of the political debate under the pressure to achieve a more internationally competitive system.


Jover G., Prats E., Villamor P. (2017) Educational Policy in Spain: Between Political Bias and International Evidence. In: Eryaman M., Schneider B. (eds) 

That's all for today!


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