Before this lesson I wasn't aware of how difficult it could be to find information about the Educational Programme and the Anual General Programme of the public centres in the Valencian Community. In this lesson we have done the third Practical Assignment in groups. In my case, I have been searching for information with my group mates and after a while, we have realized that many centres don't have the Anual general Programme in their own web pages. This has been the main difficulty that we have faced, so we needed to do a deeper research.
At the end, we have found a school in the Valencian Community, CEIP Juan Manuel Montoya, whose web page includes all the information of the Educational Programme and the Anual General Programme.
I have learnt the importance of including essential aspects in the AGP and EP because if they don't appear there, they don't have legal covering. So that could provide the school and teachers with some troubles with another member of the educational community. For example, in the previous case, they didn't include facts like the dining service or the relations with the local councils and providers.
The most difficult thing in this case was to find information available for all and remember which where the main differences between the Anual General Programme and the Educational Programme.
I think that it is interesting to add the example of the AGP and the EP of the centre that we have investigated, as a part of this post. Moreover, we have done a table with all the aspects that it includes:
I hope you've finde it helpful!
I think that it is interesting to add the example of the AGP and the EP of the centre that we have investigated, as a part of this post. Moreover, we have done a table with all the aspects that it includes:
On the one hand, we have the Annual General Programe. It has a huge in importance because it says all the activities of the school are reflected in the PGA. Unlike the Educational Project, the AGP doesn’t have to be public, and the people who have access to this are the representatives of the parents of the school, without being able to leave the centre, due to the personal data contained within.
On the other hand, I think that the most important issue of the Educational Project is that it always includes the School Ideology, so it is an important responsibility to take part in its elaboration. Furthermore, this project must be public and must be available in each school to all parents once it’s been developed.
My opinion matches with who says that elaborating the Educational Programe is a serious responsibility that it implies having a clear awareness of their commitment and the consequences of their actions. Furthermore the document needs to ensure the personal development of future generations is not a matter of second level.
Claret, C. E. S. A. M. (1993). Proyecto Educativo de Centro.
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