In this class we have talked about the different ways that schools and teachers have to assess their students as well as their methodologies. We've also delved into the assessment process, talking about the different types of assessment that we have nowadays in our schools and what the different laws governing assessment say.

I used tot think before this class that only students were evaluated by teachers, thus avoiding the evaluation to which teachers and school are subjected to, day by day. Thanks to this class I've learnt many things about assessment that i didn't know. For example, I've realized that teachers have two completely different ways to evaluate students.
On the one hand, they can use a formative assessment where they will take into account all the educational process or they can judge the knowledge of the students only observing a final result, using like this a summative way of evaluating.

Assessment wasn't a difficult concept when it comes to understanding, but  hardest thing I think it will be learning what each legislation says about it.

From my view, I need to learn more about how the different ways of assessment could be applied in our current educational system without neglecting the rules of the centre and what the law says about assessment. I've been reading some information about assessment and I've arrived to the conclusion that we have to let our students know that the most important thing is to understand everything and be enough independent to use waht they learn in class in the current lifes. They don't have to fix the notes as the most important goal. As Raymond 1996 say we have to consider that teacher assessment is an important policy lever for school reform.  Additionally, connecting teaching standards with student standards focuses and coordinates state reforms to address the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by elementary teachers to enhance student learning.


Raymond L. Pecheone and  Stansbury K. (Nov., 1996) "Connecting Teacher Assessment and School Reform," The Elementary School Journal 97, no. 2 : 163-177.


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