In this class we have understand better what the term of diversity means and the evolution of the meaning of this term related with school specific needs. Furthermore, we have delved into the implications and consequences that diversity can produce on students if ti is not treated well.

I didn't know before this class that every law since LOGSE to LOMCE has introduce new aspects about school special needs, trying to improve the well-being of student with this needs including those with specific deficiencies in some area and fore those ones with high capacities.  I have learnt many things about the different aspects that each law includes about diversity and how the ideology of the government could influence how the concept of diversity is treated in schools.

The most difficult thing for me to learn was the single definition that diversity has had over the years and how the students have been treating deppending on what the law of each period says about it.

After doing a research I think that diversity is a very important subject in our classes nowadays because we won't probably find any class with people only from the same area. Nowadays, classes are multicultural and multilingual. These facts are understood as a bad aspect from some teachers.
From my point of view diversity is an opportunity to include in our classes cultures and languages from all over the world and learn together about them. That's why I agree with Gagnon (2012) who says that diversity and multiculturalism are commonplace in education at all levels of public schools. He also explains that the system discusses the implications of diversityand multiculturalism for intergroup relations by considering: demographic diversity, national policies on diversity and multiculturalism. After considering the nuanced effects of diversity and multiculturalism for intergroup relations, he clearly explains how to consider the nature and implications of interculturalism, a new and emerging diversity approach that has received little attention in the current system. He concludes by highlighting the importance of studying diversity across multiple levels of analysis, perspectives, and intergroup outcomes.


Gagnon AG. (2012) Reconciling Autonomy, Community and Empowerment: The Difficult Birth of a Diversity School in the Western World. 


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