In this lesson we have been doing a practice in groups. In my case, we have decided to divide the tasks and I have been doing a research about what the LOMCE says about the governing bodies and positions in the school. Moreover, we have made a reflection together on some aspects that we consider important in education and need to be improved. After a while, we have created an example that represents what the problem in the evolution of education is.
On the one hand, if we could put a doctor who lived 100 years ago in a current operating room, he wouldn't probably know how to operate his/her patient because many new techniques have been invented since then.
On the other hand, if we put a teacher who lived 100 years ago, apart from the digital board and the computers, he would be able to teach students because teachers work in a similar way. In each class a teacher talks in front of a group of students who take notes and listen to him/her.
On the other hand, if we put a teacher who lived 100 years ago, apart from the digital board and the computers, he would be able to teach students because teachers work in a similar way. In each class a teacher talks in front of a group of students who take notes and listen to him/her.
I have been searching for some examples, and from my point of view this video shows what we tried to say in the example that we created. We need to do something different in class, we need to change the way classes are taught. Moreover, children need to play, to express themselves.
To sum up, if we want different results, we need to start doing different things. Perhaps we should ask ourselves if we are doing something wrong or if there is something we can change in order to improve our current Educational System. My opinion is backed by the UNESCO (2015), where it is explained that "The notion of common good goes beyond the instrumental concept of the public good in which human well-being is framed by individualistic socio-economic theory. From a “common good” perspective, it is not only the “good life” of individuals that matters, but also the goodness of the life that humans hold in common.The notion of education as a “common good” reaffirms the collective dimension of education as a shared social endeavour"
UNESCO. (2015). Rethinking education. Towards a global common good? París: UNESCO.
I hope you liked it!
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